Computer Usage

Computer Usage Policy at Opp Public Library

Computer use is an integral part of Library activities. The use of any Opp Public Library computer or network resource is a privilege and not a right. Users agree to abide by Library computer policy standards as defined herein.  It is understood that all patrons using Library computers will have a basic knowledge of how to use computers.

A. SIGN UP FOR COMPUTER USE: Use of Library computing resources is on a first-come, first-served basis. Opp Public Library may impose time restrictions as needed. Sign up stations are located in the Main Station in the library.
B. REQUIRED IDENTIFICATION: Patrons are requested to have an Opp Public Library card to use Library computing resources. Those patrons who do not have an OPL card may still use a computer, but must provide a government issued photo ID. Patron must be 16 or above in order to use computers at OPL. If a patron has fines on his/her library card, the fine must be paid before using computer services at Opp Public Library. No Exceptions. 
C. TIME LIMITS PER DAY:  Patrons will not be given a time limit as long as computers are open.  If the computers are all taken and someone else needs to use one, the patron who has been on the computer the longest (two hours or more) will be asked to leave, so that other patrons may use a computer.
D. PRINTING: Charges for printing are .25-.75 per page for black and white prints, .30 per page for double-sided black & white, and .50 – 1.00 per page for color. This will depend on the amount of ink used & will be at the discretion of the staff. If a page is just text (black & white) the charge will only be .25 per page. If you are printing pictures, the charge will be more. Patrons are responsible for EVERY page they print and must pay for them all. Patrons will need to use print preview before printing to make sure they are printing what they want. Patrons should ask for assistance if unsure how many pages a document contains. Refusal to pay for printouts can result in suspension of computer services.
E. WIRELESS CONNECTIONS: Opp Public Library offers Wi-Fi for patrons use.  The network does not require a password and can be accessed from most places in the building. Patrons may bring in their personal devices (laptops, tablets, etc.) and be able to use our Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi users must still sign in at the front desk.

F. STAFF ASSISTANCE:  Staff will assist Library users in getting started on the Internet. We offer limited assistance with basic Internet and word processing tasks; however, Opp Public Library cannot guarantee that staff trained in all aspects of Internet or Word Processing will be available to assist users at all times. If patron is not comfortable with his or her own computer knowledge, OPL asks that you bring a person with you to assist in your computer usage. Staff is not able to offer extensive explanations about the Internet or personal computer use or provide in-depth training. Time permitting, staff will try to answer specific questions about the Internet and offer suggestions for effective searching. Librarians may direct Library users to a variety of books on Internet and computer related topics.

USE OF COMPUTERS BY MINORS: Children under the age of 16 must have a signed parental consent form in order to use a computer.

INTERNET DISCLAIMER: Since the Internet is a global electronic network, there is no state/county control of its users or content. The Internet and its available resources may contain material of a controversial nature. The Library cannot protect patrons from all offensive information. Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children's use of the Internet through the Library's connection.  Library staff cannot control the availability of information links, which often change rapidly and unpredictably. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.

The Opp Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its WWW Server or from its connections to other Internet services.

SANCTIONS: Violators of Library computing resource use policies will have their computer privileges suspended or revoked at the sole discretion of the Library Administration. Violations of policies described below for legal and ethical use of Library computing resources will result in the suspension or revocation of Library computer privileges at the sole discretion of the Library Administration. Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.
A. DISPLAY AND DISSEMINATION OF SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIALS: Use of Library computing resources including the Wi-Fi to display or disseminate sexually explicit or sexually suggestive (obscene/pornographic) material on Library property is prohibited. Violators of this policy will be removed from Library property and will have their computer privileges revoked.
B. CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATION OF COMPUTER USE POLICIES: Vandalism and/or violation of these policies will be dealt with in a serious and appropriate manner. First offense will result in loss of computer and network privileges for a month. Second offense will result in loss of computer and network privileges for six months. Third offense will result in permanent loss of Opp Public Library computer and network privileges. Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities. If a patron’s misuse causes damage to occur to Library property or equipment, penalty fines will be assessed at the cost of repair or replacement (including labor) and all Library privileges will be denied until payment is received in full.

LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: All patrons who wish to use the Library's computing resources are required to sign in, therefore adhering to the Opp Public Library’s computer usage policy.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: By logging on to the library computer you (the user) acknowledge you have read and understand the Opp Public Library (the Computer Usage Policy) and you agree to fully comply with all terms, conditions and requirements of the Computer Usage Policy. You acknowledge and agree that any violation of the Computer Usage Policy will result in suspension or revocation of Library computer privileges at the sole discretion of the Library Administration. The user also acknowledges that the Opp Public Library assumes no liability for any loss or damage to the user's data, or for any damage or injury arising from invasion of privacy in the user's computer accounts, programs, or files. In consideration for use of Library computer resources, you (the user) agree to hold harmless and indemnify Opp Public Library, its directors, officers, administrators, employees and agents, from any and all liabilities for any claims, demands, and damages to your person or property whatsoever.

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