Sunday, May 27, 2012

RULES for Summer Reading Program 2012

Opp Public Library Summer Reading Program 2012
RULES (Subject to change)
1.  Children must have a library card to check out books.
2.  Return all books by the due date.
3.  Respect the library. That includes no running, being loud, or destroying library property.
4.  Children must behave appropriately during the summer reading program. If your child misbehaves, we will ask you to stay with your child each day.
5.  All books must be written on a reading log. The library will provide these, or you may use any paper you have.
6.  Please put your child’s NAME and GRADE at the top of the reading log.
7.  All books read must be at grade level or harder! Any book that is under the child’s level will NOT BE COUNTED!
8.  Older children or adults can read books to children who can not read yet. Older children can not count these books on their own reading log.
9.  Parent or guardian must initial each book on the reading log. Books without initials will NOT BE COUNTED!
10. Prizes are awarded for books read:
a.     A daily prize is awarded to every child.
b.     The winner of a daily drawing of reading logs gets a prize.
c.      Grand prizes are awarded for the OVERALL SUMMER TOP READERS based on the cumulative point total.
11. Books from home count as 1 point.
12. Books read from the library count as 2 points. These must be stamped by the librarian!
13. Books read from the Special Collection carts counts as 5 points.
14. Book reports (summary and review) can be written for books from the library Special Collection carts for 5 points.
15. Bible Verses and devotionals are counted as follows:
a.     Grades K-2: Reading 15 Bible verses counts as one book.
b.     Grades 3 & up: Reading 30 verses counts as one book.
16. All children can count all books/stories read by the volunteers at the library during the program as a library book on their reading log.
17. We do our best counting points on reading logs. However, mistakes can happen. If mistakes occur during the program days, we will happily correct them.
18. We ask for your help by adding up daily point totals for your child. Add only the total for each DAY of the program. Everything read before Monday is added for Monday’s total. Circle daily total at the end of last book read.
19. Children grades K-2 will be awarded in the morning class only. Activities will be appropriate for younger children in the morning session only.
20. Children grades 3 & up will be awarded in the afternoon class only. Activities will be appropriate for older children in the afternoon session only.
21. Children are not allowed to stay at the library unattended after the program ends. Please pick up children at the end of the program each day.

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